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It is with joy that I welcome you to our World Missions page. The ministry we represent is all about Jesus Christ and our desire is to expand the Kingdom anywhere and everywhere.

  • We believe that the word of God is eternal and the bedrock of faith for all people.
  • We believe that we have been called and commissioned in this present age to play our part in doing the work that Jesus began in His earthly ministry (Luke 4:18). Our missionaries are young, brave and endearing, reaching out as Jesus did to the lost, damaged and hurting.

We are so thankful to God for allowing us this privilege to share the ministry that He has given us with you. It is our prayer that you will find in these pages hope for you and yours. We welcome you to join us by Giving, Going and Praying. We serve a Mighty God and we invite you to help us exalt Him throughout the earth.
God bless you and enjoy the webpage.

Bishop Nigel N. Henry, former Executive Director of World Missions.


  1. The planting of culturally relevant churches in all parts of the world.
  2. The establishment of a spiritual foundation that will involve Embracing, Equipping and Launching of God’s people for ministry and leadership.
  3. The development of ministries that demonstrate the whole gospel, by seeking to address the spiritual, social and physical needs of people.
  4. The establishment of vibrant mission partnerships with Evangelical Covenant agencies and followers of Christ around the world.

  1. The local church is viewed as the primary instrument to carry the Good News to all nations.
  2. To integrate missions throughout the life and ministry of the local church.
  3. To increase opportunities for individual involvement and cross-cultural mission experiences through short-term trips.
  4. Provide increased networking, training of church leaders and missionary enthusiasts.
  5. Give account of financial resources with great purpose, resolve and integrity.
  6. Partner with like-minded Missionary agencies, dialoguing with them as equals in missions.
  7. Commit to prayer and the ministry of the Word
  8. Proclaim the ultimate goal of missions: That all men might know the truth of God’s Word and serve Him in the fellowship of His Church.

Missionaries and Projects Update

Previous Update

FAITH TABERNACLE (PAWI) is a family of believers, a vital part of the body of Christ, willing to serve God in Unity and Friendliness to all. Host Pastor is Rev. Ryan Nelson.
St. Maarten
ABUNDANT LIFE FELLOWSHIP – PAWI’s first church with two ethnic churches (Hispanic and English) in one building under one pastoral leadership. Host Pastor is Rev. Delvin Smart, with his wife Amanda.
Click for more.

Covenant With Us

Covenant Form

Click to view full size, then Right-click and Save. Print, fill out and submit.


PAWIWMA exists to help Districts and local churches transmit its support to missionaries of their choice. Individuals may also give to help achieve this support. The objective is that each missionary is fully supported by the gifts of interested Districts, churches and individuals.

  • St. Maarten – Devlin Smart……………………………………..$500.00 monthly
  • Guadeloupe – Ryan Nelson……………………………………….$500.00 monthly
  • Suriname – Sherry Ann Griffith………………………………….$300.00 monthly
  • India/Uganda – Thomas Maginley………………………………….$200.00 monthly
  • St. Lucia – Rolando Bermudez……………………………………$200.00 monthly
  • Disaster Fund…………………………………………………$100.00 monthly
  • Brazil (Church Purchase)……………………………………….$2500.00 (One time)

The designated amount can be donated in the currency that is used in your nation. There is no limit to your donation pledge. The amounts given above are a guide that will ease the pressure of ministry in these areas. You can choose one or multiple missionaries or projects as you see fit.


Emergency Management Preparation Guidelines for Churches – Updated June 2016

Guidelines for Churches to Encourage Missionary Sending

My Obligation


PAWIWMA Church Disaster Preparedness and Response

PAWIWMA Missionary Guidelines

PAWIWMA Missionary Update 2015

Partnering Agencies

Assemblies of God – USA
Assemblies of God – Venezuela
Assemblies of God – Suriname
Operation Mobilization
Youth With A Mission
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Pioneers World Missions

Contact PAWI World Missions:
4th Bridge, Maracas Valley Road
Maracas, St. Joseph
Trinidad, WI
Tel.: 662-2485
Email: pawiwma@gmail.com
Facebook: PAWI World Missions Agency