Casting Vision

God is a strategist. When humanity first fell away from God in Genesis, a clear indication of the redemption strategy of God is in Jesus. (Genesis 3: 15). God’s strategies for Noah, the ark, Abraham, Joseph, and Israel all litter the pages of the Old Testament.

Jesus came at a strategic time and place. Jesus had a strategy for training and developing his disciples and for evangelism. The early Church grew again through strategic evangelism as part of that strategic intent. Such a strategy was both God-initiated and church-initiated.

God is a strategist. Jesus is a strategist. The Church of Jesus is to be strategic. The Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies can therefore be no lesser. God has a plan for this Fellowship, and the Holy Spirit wants to reveal and accomplish it through us.


This strategic plan is built on the vision of The Healthy Church. The premise is that PAWI’s central issue is not one of growth but of health. The Healthy Church Model rests on a commitment to the Great Commandment (Matt.22:37- 40) and the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19-20). Rick Warren aptly said, “A great commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will grow a great church.” A healthy Church effectively functions in the following: Worship, Evangelism, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Ministry.
The vision of building healthy churches is supported by the following pillars: Healthy leaders; Disciple-making culture, Balancing the Supernatural power and Strategic planning; Reaching the digital world; Church planting and Missions; Building a Culture of honour and appreciation, and Constitutional reform.
Research on church leadership shows a positive correlation between leadership health and church health. Lance Witt holds the firm view that “We will “ever grow healthy churches with unhealthy leaders.” Disciple-making is at the heart of a healthy church. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that we revolve ministry, preaching, teaching, worship, strategy, money, budgets, and building around the disciple we want to try to create.
The 21st-century PAWI still needs the 1st-century power. The Great Commission is an impossible task in our strength and ingenuity. Human hands cannot change human hearts. The Holy Spirit’s empowerment should be our first thought and desire, not our last resort.
As a Fellowship, it is urgent that a paradigm shift be made in our view and utilization of social media. We will need to transform social media into social ministry.
Reimagine PAWI not as having a mission’s department but as a missional organisation. It has been established that real church growth starts with a culture of missions.
Constitutions and bylaws are the backbone of an organisation that holds its various components upright. Constitutions and Bylaws were created for organisations and not organisations for Constitution and By-laws. They should be driven by the vision and direction of the Fellowship. Hence, they must be subject to periodic evaluation and reform to maintain their relevance.
The success of this strategic plan lies heavily on a dynamic and effective divine and human partnership. This is wisely balancing the Supernatural Power and the Strategic Plan. Proverbs 21:31 succinctly summarises this harmony. “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.” (NIV)
The buy-in is indispensable for the successful implementation and execution of this plan. The vision was obediently received, clearly written, and now, must be willingly and successfully sold so that “a herald “may run with it” (Hebrew” 2: 2). Every Bishop, Credential Worker, Department leader, Church, and member must know thoroughly and own this vision corporately. Therefore, this is God’s vision for PAWI and our vision for this great Fellowship.